How to Cite
Nieto Murillo E, Cerezo Correa M del P, Cifuentes Aguirre OL. -. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2006 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];11:107-18. Available from:


Eugenia Nieto Murillo
Universidad Autónoma de Manizales
María del Pilar Cerezo Correa
Universidad Autónoma de Manizales
Olga Lucía Cifuentes Aguirre
Universidad Autónoma de Manizales


The main objective of this article is to show the social representations that a group of elderly people from the Manizales’ neighborhood, Bosques del Norte, have on old age in relation with the health–disease process.  The qualitative study was conducted in the first semester of 2004, with 20 elderly subjects with ages ranging  from 65 to 88 years. Open semi-structured and focus interviews were made, using a guide including the  following topics: socio-demographical data, viewpoints on health, disease, old age and on the aging process.  The results showed that these elderly individuals represent old age as a natural process that is closer to  health than to disease and is characterized by freedom, wisdom and well–being. Old age is represented as  freedom and autonomy, as their lives are presently ruled by their own laws and not by somebody else’s.  Besides, they have participated in the construction of those laws or norms and their compliance results from  conviction and not from obligation, as it was the case when they were young. Wisdom is represented by the  acquisition of experience and knowledge which allows them to overcome “ignorance” from youth. Well–  being is represented mainly by the positive attitude on life that is assumed by people in particular  circumstances.

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