The following text is the result of an analytical empirical study in which the perception that users, personnel, professors and students of the medicine and infirmary programs of the Universidad de Caldas had on the tertiary care quality of Manizales: Hospital Santa Sofía and the Clínica Villapilar, after the suspension of the health services carried out at the Hospital de Caldas between October and December 2004. The research also describes the perception of professors, students and hospital personnel of the said institutions, on the development of the welfare educational relation for the formation of the human resource in healthcare. The perception of the different actors was determined by means of the application of structured and specific surveys for each participating group. The collected data was processed with the statistical program SPSS for the result analysis. In general terms, user satisfaction was found, in regards to service quality in spite of the deficiencies to access specialized consultations, medications and diagnostic means, among others. Regarding the development of the welfare educational activities, its fulfillment varies between a 50% and 94%, the highest percentage corresponding to the hospital personnel. The results were socialized with the sanitary authorities and the different actors from the health and education sectors. The closing report was sent to the Governor of Caldas, to the Mayor of Manizales and to the Vice–rectory of Research and Graduate degrees of the Universidad de Caldas.
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