How to Cite
González Hoyos DM. -. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2006 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];11:81-93. Available from:


Dolly Magnolia González Hoyos
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


The purpose of the perinatal maternal care is the mother’s and child’s health and life quality, which can be  achieved through the interaction between the mother, family and caretaker. It is within this relationship  where knowledge, experiences and perceptions about care are shared,generating responsibilities to achieve  this goal. However, to obtain this, it is necessary to realize that the perinatal maternal care practice differs  from one place to another and from time to time, since care taking, like every human activity, is always set in  a particular culture and society, that is to say, it is articulated with culture in within a historical context. This  way, the perinatal maternal care is a transmission, conservation, and culture upgrade channel, from one  generation to the next. Meditating on the relationship between care and culture, led to the outline of an  educational proposal based on a more integrative vision of reality, using as participant education as a  strategy, though which it is possible to develop people’s capacity to research, meditate, participate and care  assuming the responsibility for their own development process. 

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