How to Cite
Jaramillo Rendón TY, López Quintero SY, Valencia Banguera LI. -. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2005 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];10:100-9. Available from:


Tatiana Yulima Jaramillo Rendón
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Sandra Yanet López Quintero
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Luz Ivonny Valencia Banguera
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


The “burnout” or Professional Exhaustion Syndrome is a social and public health issue that interferes in the  assistential tasks. It also hinders the capacity to provide customers the best quality service. Thus, it is  important to determine the existing level in professional exhaustion as well as the predisposing factors to  obtain this syndrome. The study was carried out in two institutions of Manizales: Santa Sofia Hospital and the Hospital Infantil.  An instrument to collect data was designed. It was used on the total population (35  subjects). Variables linked to sociodemographic, laboral and syndrome related aspects (Maslach’s scale) were included. A relation among these variables was established.  Additionally, a hypothesis test (t student) was  carried out in order to identify the existence of a meaningful difference of the results obtained in both  institutions.  The findings obtained in relation to the presence of professional exhaustion syndrome helped  to conclude that this syndrome does not exist in the studied population.  The following predisposing factors  were identified as the responsible agents of this syndrome:  1. Enrolled an institution through a cooperative  agency, 2. Occupying the same position for more than 15 years, 3. Not having emotional stability, and 4.  Having a high score in the emotional exhaustion subscale. 

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