How to Cite
Realpe Delgado C, Marín Blandón MA, Pico Merchán ME. -. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2005 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jun. 30];10:71-82. Available from:


Cecilia Realpe Delgado
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
María Adiela Marín Blandón
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
María Eugenia Pico Merchán
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


The present study was aimed at comparing the benefits of the third-level health services offered to the non- insured population prior and after the interruption of the services at the Hospital de Caldas. The Villapilar  Clinic, the Santa Sofía Hospital, and the Hospital de Caldas located in the city of Manizales, were the  institutions where the evaluations pertaining to this study took place. Additionally, information from the  Hospital Geriátrico San Isidro and of Assbasalud, that even though they are institutions of first—level  attention, they were an important support when the eventually arose. Some indicators of quality related to  the services offered were also analyzed such as the intra- hospital infection and mortality, the waiting time  for doctors` appointments, and accumulated among surgeries others. The data were obtained from the  statistical records of the institutions previously mentioned, and from a provisional survey made to the users  and health care professionals who are currently working at the institutions mentioned above. The analyses  showed that, although efforts have been carried out in order to compensate the lack of services that the  Hospital de Caldas was offering to the noninsured poor population, such efforts have not been enough.  Therefore, there has been a deficit, and this situation is getting worse along with the deterioration of some  indicators of quality.

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