How to Cite
Escobar P. M del P, Gallo L. RA. -. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2005 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];10:59-70. Available from:


María del Pilar Escobar P.
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Ricardo Alberto Gallo L.
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


The objective of this work was to explain the relationship between the curricular factors and attitudes  towards health promotion of the medicine students at the Universidad de Caldas between 2002 and 2003 in  the city of Manizales. A sample of 230 students was estimated, from which a poll was applied to 173 in the  Liker scale. Additionally, four focal groups were organized, and the documental analysis was carried out of  the official curricular principles of the Medicine Program, and of the study plan. It was found that 66.5% of  the students showed an indifferent attitude towards health promotion, 15% showed a positive attitude and  2.9% showed a very positive attitude; 13.9% showed a negative attitude and 1.7% showed a very negative  attitude. The courses in the basic areas, clinical, surgical and mental health show a morbid focus except for  the Pediatric courses which involve components of health promotion in the integral formation of the  students. The findings show that the official and hidden curricula strengthen the clinical formation and  reproduce the institutional profile of the program, which could explain the indifference towards the health  promotion.

DEPARTAMENTO DE SALUD PÚBLICA FCPS. Hacia La Promoción de La Salud. Año 5. Manizales. Diciembre de 2000. ISSN 0121-7577. Pag. 13.

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UNIVERSIDAD DE CALDAS. Proyecto Educativo Institucional PEI, 1996 – 2010. Centro Editorial Universidad de Caldas. Manizales.
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