How to Cite
Franco Peláez ZR. -. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2005 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];10:48-5. Available from:


Zoila Rosa Franco Peláez
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


The informed consent is an actual worrying on primary health attention and health promotion levels, due to  the acknowledgement of individual autonomy in the universal declaration of human rights and the  proclamation of liberty in the Colombian political constitution of 1991, self-determination and self- responsibility imply a clear postureon personal rights and obligations, as well as those of others, becoming  an educative imperative in areas of human communication that implies, principles values and unavoidable  internalization, appropriation and incorporation, in order to be applied in an adequate way in the every day  life of health services interrelationships. Communications ethics that deal with the dialogic and the assertive  communication, allow respect of people’s dignity and rights.  These ethics also send feedback as a  characteristic of truly informed consent, identifying wherever possible, the differences between objective  truth (scientific) and the subjective true (values and beliefs) of each person (in order to determine, with  precision, the essence of the sent and received message from the interlocutors and the consequential  actions).

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