How to Cite
Escobar García JD, Murcia Agudelo CA, Dávila Rincón JJ, Henao Marín JW. -. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2002 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];7:132-7. Available from:


Juan David Escobar García
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Cesar Augusto Murcia Agudelo
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
John Jairo Dávila Rincón
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
John Wilmar Henao Marín
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


Fortificación de un producto cárnico con micronutrientes en Industrias Alimenticias REX. S.A.  We planed the investigation “FORTIFICATION OF A MEAT PRODUCT WITH MICRONUTRIENTES IN INDUSTRIAS ALIMENTICIAS REX S.A.” with the objective of “ design and develop a meat product fortified with micronutrientes that contributes to diminish their deficienciy in the population and also promote the development of the alimentary industry”. This objective was completed by means of studies of micronutrients deficiency, selection of the food vehicle and of the fortificants, wth the respective formulation of the product and description of the behavior of the same one in storage. Sausages type dog were fortified with Vitamin A And Zinc. The forification was verified in four formulations through sensorial tests in not structured scale and of multiple comparisons validated by means of a variance analysis for totally randomized design, being better the one carried out with Dry Vitamin A Palmitate 500 and Zinc Chelazome. The behavior in the period of storage of the sausages fortified with the selected formulation was evaluated by sensorial tests in not structured scale, and we concluded that all their organoleptic characteristic are stable in the time; the above-mentioned was ratified with a regression model with qualitative variable asnwer for each one of the sensorial characteristics of the product. Fortificancion de arepa de maiz con micronutrientes en Industrias Normandy Ltda.  The nourishments fortification arise as a partial solution to decrease the micronutrients deficiency in the world population, because of sound modifications, fundamentally, in to add micronutrients to nourishments of massive consumers. The social funtion is evident and recover a nourishments fortifcation program we planed the investigation “ FORTIFICATION OF AREPA OF CORN WITH MICRONUTRIENTES IN INDUSTRIAS NORMANDY LTDA” with the main objetive of “design and develop a arepa of corn fortifying with calcium and cinc micronutrientes that contributes to decreasing its deficiency inside population, besides, promote the alimentary industry develop”. This objetive had been executed because of analysis of technical factibility of the vehicle food; studies of availability and bioavailability of micronutrients; analisis of the shaper chemistry of add the micronutrients; successive of the standardization respective of the process in concentration terms of the fortifying and formulation of this product. Finally we concluded with the deportment evaluation in time of the fortifyirg product with calcium citrate of cacium and Zinc Aminoacid Chelata taste free, taking into account the sensorial characteristics essential of the it-self. Fortification of Concentrate Panela Cane with micronutrients. In many countries the illnesses related to the micronutrients deficiency are a generalized problem and it’s not necessarily limited to communities or specific populations. Among all the available interventions, the Food Fortification is the most accepted and spread mean, and it has proved being efficient for the supply of the wanted nutrients to the population. For the purpose of facilitating the access to the Colombian population of some micronutrients which deficiency is considered as a public health problem it was chosen to fortify a traditional consumable product such as Panela but with all the advantages that industrially elaborated productos offer to guarantee better results. The concentrate of Panela cane was fortified with vitamin A, Tron, Calcium and Zinc; plysicochemical and microbiological analysis, sensorial proofs and statistic analysis, were made which Iet us conclude in a positive way the viability of the addition of these micronutrients to the final product. Fortificación de harina precocida de maíz con hierro, calcio y zinc en Casa Luker S.A.  The deficiencies of iron and vitamin A in Colombia are considered as public health problems and the illnesses related to calcium and zinc state, deserve interventions about the vulnerable population for combating the micronutrients deficiencies, es the Food Fortification considered as the most efficient method and the biggest economical output mean to eliminate the micronutrients deficiencies are. The Food Fortification offers an immediate and economically viable chance to improve people’s lives and to accelerate the socioeconomical development, in a bigger measure than any other available technology nowadays. Exposed this situation, it was decided to fortify Precooked Corn Flour with iron, calcium and zinc, wiyth the objective of overcoming its deficiencies in the objective population and improving its alimentary and nutritional situation. To reach this objetive there were designed product formulations, in which pilot test were achieved in laboratory to determine the very best treatment though sensory and statistic judgments and it was conduded wit the fortified product behavior’s study through a period of storage, bearing in mind physicochemical, microbiological and sensory character st cs.

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