How to Cite
Pico Merchán ME. -. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2002 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];7:75-8. Available from:


María Eugenia Pico Merchán
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


The article reviews and analyzes the economic-social context that affects the nursing professional, his labor situation and the present systems of hiring, the associated factors of risk to the welfare work of nurse, which also involve the same the other members of the health equipment; and, finally, the mechanisms proposed for the improvement of the labor conditions of the nursing professional, within these, stand out the diffusion of 149 Agreement and Recommendation 157/77 of the OIT, on employment, conditions of life and work of the nursing personnel and the intervention of the organizations of the workers to obtain their ratification by the Colombian Congress. In the same way, to cause the professional knowledge and application in the sites of work of the legal dispositions in the matter of occupational health and risks, as well as the most active participation of nursing in the political decisions that affect their labor conditions. It is possible to be affirmed, that the nurse (a) is immersed in new relations and labor spaces in which he needs to demonstrate different competitions not only from intellectual character, but also of physical and mental nature, in addition to the capacity to negotiate the different services that lend the community.

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