How to Cite
Bonilla Cadavid JC. -. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2002 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];7:9-21. Available from:


José Clareth Bonilla Cadavid
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


The job shows the emergence of the BIOETHICAL as an interdisciplinary  and pluralistic  bridge between the basic sciences and the human sciences; emphasize the crisis of the man within the modernity and the emergence of the post modernity, its advances and positioning and the paper that carry out the BIOETHICAL. Also, it attempts to relate our biological nature and the realistic knowledge of the biological world with the polices formulation routed to promote the social wellbeing, emphasizing the importance of an ETHICAL and responsable attitude for with ourselves and the society.  In it, it is spoken of the implications that has the PGH (Project of the Human Genome), indicates the importance of the conformation of bioethical committee in the Clinics and Hospitals, and the diffusion of the recommendations made by the international organizations as the UNESCO in wthat concerns the rational utilization of the advances of the Biotechnology. Finally it makes a summary of the Uiversal Statement about of the Human Genome and the human rights.

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