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Muñoz Giraldo GI. -. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2004 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 2];9:27-32. Available from:


Gloria Inés Muñoz Giraldo
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


The caretakers of the health began their historical path from the moment in that the community benefits  surpassed the personal interests. The primitive man with the observation and the imitation of the animals, an  entire revolution began in the attention to the sick person and the destitute one. The old civilizations inclined  from their different religious and philosophical perspectives, for the care of sick people and you heal in  condition of abandonment.  The care through the historical periods has been constant in the maintenance and  prevention of the health.

CORTINA Lorenzo; FENOLLOZA Rosa. Crónica de la medicina. Plaza y Janés. Barcelona.1994

COLLIÉRE Marie Francoise. Promover la vida. McGraw-Hill editores. Madrid.1997

DAWSON Ian; COUSON Ian. Medicine & health through time. John Muttay editor. Inglaterra. 1996.

DONAHUE Patricia. Historia de la enfermería. The Mosby Company editors. New York.1995.

HERNÁNDEZ Juana. Historia de la enfermería. Interamericana McGraw-hill. Madrid.1995.

LYONS Petrucelly. Historia de la medicina. Mosby Doyma Libros. Madrid. 1995

RESTREPO Cecilia Mabel. Historia de la Facultad de enfermería de la Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín. 1997.

SILES J. Pasado, presente y futuro de la enfermería en España. Perspectiva histórica y epistemológica. Cecova editores. Alicante. 1996
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