How to Cite
Largo Trejos LF, Muñoz Cifuentes DM, Quintero González SY, Sánchez Valencia JM. -. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2003 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];8:148-9. Available from:


Luis Felipe Largo Trejos
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Diana Milena Muñoz Cifuentes
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Sandra Yomary Quintero González
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Juan Manuel Sánchez Valencia



Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


A quantitative investigation with an analytic and empiric focus on the health conditions,their interaction with  the labor environment with the official workers of Caldas University was carried out; with the purpose of  determining the magnitude of the consequences of these conditions that are clearly reflected in the labor  performance and in this way to outline the possible interventions to face this problem. It was decided to work on a total population of 96 official workers of Caldas University, they work on the following occupations:  qualified worker, several occupations and farm workers. It was used as investigation toot the form ""Self  labor and health report", approved by the “Administradora de Riesgos >Profesionales, Protección Laboral”;  which was obtained during the period between March 2001 and november 2001.  When carrying out the  analysis of the information it was found that most of the official workers of Caldas University qualify their  health conditions and work like regular, due to aspects of non appropriate lifestyles that are related to the  labor atmosphere. Another important finding was the fact that the official workers have a poor knowledge  about the existence and working of the emergency brigades at Caldas University, such as first aid brigades,  rescue, fire brigades and evacuation and rescue of goods; since the workers are not involved in the  promotion and prevention activities.

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