During the first six months of live, breastfeeding is a desirable objective and a goal proposed by different International Organization. Since 1990, the Health World Organization Assembly settles “ to protect and to promote breastfeeding as a component of the polices and the health programs, so that all the babys have the opportunity to be exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months of live”. In 1994 UNICEF adopted the concept of exclusive breastfeeding until the first four to six months of live. The child depends on maternal transference of nutriment bioactive and protective agents, before and after birth as well. The transference of these products from the mother to the child takes place though the placenta before birthday and by the “ calostro” and maternal milk after being born. Breastfeeding gives the child many bioactive components, and immune protection as well, direct specifically to the pathogenic agents that are present in the child´s environment. It also favors the attachment because of the mutual mother and child´s interchange is reciprocal. Reciprocity becomes then, a feature in the mother and child relationship, as a result of the mother concert for her child.
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