How to Cite
Forero Santos JA. -. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2003 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];8:61-85. Available from:


Jorge Alberto Forero Santos
Universidad Católica de Manizales


The theories of the social communication became the last two decades first hand in tool for the professionals of the health that work in the areas of the promotion of the health and the prevention of the illness, since it  allows them to develop a work and a more strategic and more effective communication in their purpose of  inducing ideas, habits and healthy behaviors in the society. The present article makes a description of the  theory of the social communication as strategy for the promotion of the health, for that which is approached  the communication like process and factor of persuasion in people; in the same way, four basic models of  interpersonal and massive communication are examined to develop the work of promotion in an  interpersonal way, in community and in the society, and, lastly, it is meditated in front of how the persuasive  communication works.

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