How to Cite
Pico Merchán ME. -. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2003 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 May 17];8:12-37. Available from:


María Eugenia Pico Merchán
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


The article has the purpose of to consider and to meditate on one of the thematic ones effective related with  the promotion of the health in the working places, from the theoretical developments of the processes  health-illness, the category work, going by the narrow relationship between the work and the health in the  current economic, social and political contexts. It stands out in the paper that they carry out the working  conditions, the lifestyles, the directive commitment, controls means and workers in the generation of  attitudes and knowledge promoters of the health and practical working sure and healthy. The changing  nature of the work has a remarkable impact about the work force and its health; the new technologies have  contributed to the economic development, but at the same time they generate new risks for the worker's  health, it is for that reason that one meditates on this problem, at the same time that one makes emphasis in the promotion of the health in the work like the effort to gestate and to promote processes and taking of  decisions so that employers, workers and other actors impact in the work, as for the consolidation in  organization ways that you/they produce comfort, physical, social and mental well-being, besides labour  satisfaction.

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