How to Cite
Hernández Sánchez J. Use and integration of icts in two health services of university welfare. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2014 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];19(1):99-113. Available from:


Jacqueline Hernández Sánchez
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. Bucaramanga


Objective: To assess the ICTSs that are being used for education and health information, from the view of  the professionals and users of the services and programs of the university welfare unit in two universities in  Colombia from August 2012 to June 2013. Material and Methods: A mixed method was used, applying a  sequential explanatory design, which included the implementation of questionnaires and interviews, and  focus groups to a sample of the professionals and users of the university welfare unit. Results: 78.1% of the  professionals widely used traditional technologies: slides, telephone, video and printed material, but there is  little use of the new ICTs. The most used are mobile phones (92.2%) and the e-mail to communicate with  users and to send them educational messages (69.2%). In everyday life professionals scarcely use these  technologies, unlike young users who use mobile phones (100 %) and the Internet to search for information  (100%) and socialize through Facebook and Twitter (96.8%). There is an opinion and a positive environment  for the integration of the new ICTs, although 100% of the professionals said they have not received training.  Conclusions: There was a broad perspective on the most used and recommended ICTs for informative and  educational activities in two university welfare units, which reflects what is reported by other studies in terms of the incipient advances in research and ICTs integration in health professionals’ the practice.

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