How to Cite
Delgado, C. A. (2005). Origen y sociogénesis de las fiestas “rave” y su relación con el consumo enteogénico. Cultura Y Droga, 10(12), 77–106. Retrieved from


Camilo Alfonso Delgado
Universidad de Caldas


ABSTRACT: ORIGIN AND SOCIOGENESIS OF RAVES AND THEIR RELATION WITH ENTHEOGENIC CONSUMPTION In the last years within the frame of the globalization process, in the large and not so large cities of the world a new cultural phenomenon has been developing, raves. Although its origin can be traced to Europe and the United States almost as structured and inserted simultaneous processes within the logics of contemporaneity. The repercussions of this cultural process of Western music have extended through diverse cultures and societies of the planet, the cities and some bordering  municipalities of the Colombian coffee Region are no exception; place of the preliminary field work of this research. The problem that is going to be developed here is how the relations of discursive distinction that generate the identitary discourses, and why not ethnical, of rave in a well–known region such as the Coffee Zone operate? For such effect, the qualitative techniques were methodologically privileged in order to analyze the discourse at three levels (synonym, independent and nuclear) with the internal agents
of rave who interact within the logics o each of the selected spaces in where the investigator has considered pertinent to carry out open and in–depth interviews. These places were: in the city of Armenia: “El Florián” Farm, where raves are habitually made; in Pereira and Manizales: “Tropical Cocktails” interdepartmental drink chain and contact point of some of ravers of these cities, additionally in Manizales “Twilo”, where the famous After Parties take place. The general mission of the research is to
describe how the process of discursive and identitary distinction of the habitus of the social agents implicated in the ways of thought provided by the structures and conceptual models that erect the practices of electronic celebrations in the Coffee Region is given, globally known as ravers (as those who practice “PLUR” are denominated), DJ’s (who are in charge of the rave music) and the sub-group Kandy Kids. In agreement with the elaboration of dense descriptions condensed under the text style provided by the ethnographic monograph that also permits the diagnosis of the present state of the process that will be studied, in other words, to enter into  the explanation and the understanding on the oral and written discourse by ravers in massive means of communication, such as the worldwide network of information.

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Páginas en Internet portal de música electrónica y raves México (2004) - 18k - 25 Abr 2004 - 17k (2004)


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