DOI: 10.17151/culdr.2018.23.25.2
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Mabit, J. (2018). Coca et ayahuasca, the same destiny?. Cultura Y Droga, 23(25).


Jacques Mabit
Takiwasi Centre


While Peru built the magnificent Inca civilization through the wisdom provided by the coca leaf, it later became the first producer of toxic derivatives of this profaned plant. Nowadays, once again, the coca leaf allows treating cocaine addiction which is demonstrated by the experience of the Takiwasi Center. Also, the healing use of Ayahuasca was discovered a few decades ago and an explosive use is produced in a short time all over the world. Will the accelerated desacralization of this medicine reach the same extremes as the misuse of coca? What can the path followed with coca teach us in relation to the use of Ayahuasca? What did the use of coca in the West respond to and what does the use of Ayahuasca respond to today?

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