DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2023.27.2.7
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Melo-Solarte, D. S., Betancur Pérez, J. F., & Narváez-Solarte, W. (2023). Evaluation of ultraviolet light (UVA, UVB and UVC) as a bactericidal agent against Escherichia coli (Migula) Castellani and Chalmers- ATCC® - 25922. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 27(2), 117–126.


Diego Samir Melo-Solarte
Universidad de Manizales
Jhon Fredy Betancur Pérez
Universidad de Manizales
William Narváez-Solarte
Universidad de Caldas


Objective: To evaluate the bactericidal efficacy of three types of ultraviolet light according to their wavelength: UVA (315 nm - 400 nm), UVB (280 nm - 315 nm) and UVC (200 nm - 280 nm). Materials and methods: Two processes were carried out in the experimental phase, the first consisted of obtaining the E. coli bacterial inoculum; the bacteria were grown in liquid LB culture medium at an OD of 600 nm, where a concentration of 3.9x107 CFU/ml was obtained, then 30µl of bacteria were seeded in petri dishes with solid LB culture medium. The second phase consisted of the assembly and arrangement of the UV light, in this case LEDs were used for each type of UV light, which allowed the design of three lamps with different power (1, 3, 5 watts/LED); Once the bacteria were inoculated in the culture medium, each plate was irradiated with a lamp using powers of 0.051 w/cm2, 0.152 w/cm2 or 0.254 w/cm2, at intervals of 1, 3 and 5 minutes and with a fixed exposure distance of the lamp to the culture of 1 cm, subsequently the petri dishes were left at 37ºC for 16 hours. Results: Lamps using UVA light had no effect on bacteria; lamps generating UVB light slightly affected bacterial growth, only under conditions of high power and prolonged exposure times; UVC lamps achieved the bactericidal effect by eliminating all bacteria from the area of direct incidence of UV light. Conclusion: UVA and UVB light have no marked bactericidal effect, while UVC light has a bactericidal effect in the area of incidence, independent of power and exposure time.

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