DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2023.27.2.5
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Castillo-Medina, E. D. M., Torres-Neira, O. L., González-Torre, Y. O., & Montaño-Campaz, M. L. (2023). Evaluation of the inclusion of house fly larvae (Musca domestica L.) as an alternative in the feeding of Gallus domesticus in the municipality of Soracá, Boyacá. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 27(2), 87–95.


Evelin Danna Marcela Castillo-Medina
Universitaria Juan de Castellanos
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Olga Lucía Torres-Neira
Universitaria Juan de Castellanos
Yesid Orlando González-Torre
Universitaria Juan de Castellanos
Milton Leoponcio Montaño-Campaz
Universidad de Caldas


The objective of this study was to evaluate the inclusion of common fly larvae meal (Musca domestica L.) in the feed of Cobb broilers on productive parameters, carcass quality and economic viability. A total of 100 one-day-old Cobb broilers were used, distributed in a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 5 replicates of 5 birds in each experimental unit, for a period of 42 days. The treatments consisted of replacing the commercial concentrate with different levels of larval meal (HDL), as follows: T1: 100% concentrate; T2: 88% concentrate and 12% HDL; T3: 83% concentrate and 17% HDL and T4: 78% concentrate and 22% HDL. The productive variables evaluated were: final weight, weight gain and feed conversion and the quality variables were: carcass weight, carcass yield, breast and leg yield. The results obtained for productive parameters in the birds showed no differences (P>0.05), the carcass quality indicators showed differences in the leg yield, with treatment 1 obtaining the best results (P<0.05). The best breast development was obtained in T4 (34.21% of carcass weight). It was concluded that the inclusion of house fly larvae meal generates a development similar to that of chickens fed conventional feed. On the other hand, the use of this meal in broiler diets reduces production costs by 40%, being a good feeding strategy in poultry farms.

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