DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2023.27.1.9
How to Cite
Arbeláez Cortés, E., Arenas Vega, B., Rodríguez Rey, A., Barreto Vargas, S. A., & Avendaño, J. E. (2023). First ornithological expedition to Coromoro, Santander, Colombia. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 27(1), 131–144.


Enrique Arbeláez Cortés
Universidad Industrial de Santander
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Briyith Arenas Vega
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Angélica Rodríguez Rey
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Sergio Augusto Barreto Vargas
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Jorge Enrique Avendaño
Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Perfil Google Scholar


Objective: To present the results of an ornithological expedition to the municipality of Coromoro, in the south of Santander department, carried out to obtain the first records supported by voucher specimens or sound recordings. Methodology: Birds were sampled with mist nets (845 h/net) and with standardized sound recordings (seven hours) in May 2021 around two camps in vereda Naranjal and vereda Guadual, between 2014 and 3121 m a.s.l. in Coromoro. Results: A total of 72 bird species was recorded, 47 supported by voucher specimens and 40 by sound recordings. A comparison with records of other ornithological expeditions indicated that 78% of the species documented in this expedition has been recorded within 50 km of our camps, but 58% of the records date from more than 20 years ago. New populations of endemic species and evidence that 10 species could be in their reproductive season are reported based on gonads size or skull ossification. Conclusions: The expedition to Coromoro fills geographic information gaps for the avifauna of this region of the Colombian Andes and provides material to expand their knowledge.

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