DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2023.27.1.7
How to Cite
Tamayo Vélez, Y., & Ortiz, M. (2023). Life cycle of Parides sesotris sesostris (Cramer, 1779) (Stoll, 1787) (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in the Paway- Mocoa Nature Reserve, Putumayo. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 27(1), 103–108.


Yulli Tamayo Vélez
Universidad del Cauca
Mildred Ortiz
Universidad del Cauca


Objective: The external morphology and biology of the immature stages of Parides sesostris sesostris (Cramer, 1779) in the foodplant Aristolochia constricta L (Aristolochiaceae) in the Paway Natural Reserve Zoo, Mocoa, Putumayo are described. Methodology: The morphological characters are illustrated and described to record their life cycle or metamorphosis. Scope: the observations were made during the months of March to September 2018. Results and conclusions: The immature stages are the typical ones belonging to the genus of swallotails Parides Hübner present in Tropical America.

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