DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2023.27.1.6
How to Cite
Gantiva Quintero, C. H., & Henao Bañol, E. R. (2023). Rediscovery of Anaeomorpha splendida splendida Rothschild, 1894 for Colombia and notes about Zaretis syene (Hewitson, 1856) (Nymphalidae: Charaxinae). Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 27(1), 97–102.


Carlos Hernán Gantiva Quintero
Universidad del Rosario
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Efraín Reinel Henao Bañol
Conservación Internacional Colombia
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This article reports the rediscovery for Colombia of two rare species of charaxine nymphalids: Zaretis syene (Hewitson, 1856) and Anaeomorpha splendida splendida Rothschild, 1984. Live photography of the latter in its natural environment is published for the first time, which is not knew. Some distribution and ecology data for the two species are also provided.

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