DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2022.26.2.13
How to Cite
Giraldo, A., Patiño, A., Lozano, R., & Garcés, M. F. (2022). Potential distribution of the giant African snail (Achatina fulica Bowdich 1822) in Colombia. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 26(2), 261–273.


Alan Giraldo
Universidad del Valle
Perfil Google Scholar
Angie Patiño
Universidad del Valle
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Rodrigo Lozano
Universidad Federal do Pará
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Mario F. Garcés
Universidad del Valle


Objective: To establish the potential distribution of the invasive species Achatina fulica (giant African snail) in Colombia based on environmental suitability. Scope: To provide researchers and national environmental authorities with elements to strengthen the research efforts and management and control actions of this invasive species in Colombia. Methodology: A potential distribution model for the African giant snail in Colombia was implemented
under the MaxEnt algorithm, using the climatic variables of World Clim. Main Results: The variable that contributed the most was the precipitation of the warmest month followed by the maximum temperature of the warmest month. Fifty per cent of the departments in the country presented an occupancy greater than 50%, being the most affected Cordoba and Atlantico with an occupation area above 80%. An environmental suitability of 100% was identified in locations associated with high density of urban centers. Conclusion: Evidence of the association of this invasive species with urban centers of the country was obtained and the risk of invasion by departments was identified. 

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