DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2022.26.2.2
How to Cite
Aguilar M, S. B., Kogson Q., J. F., & Barrera Sánchez, C. F. (2022). Anonna muricata L., 1753. Magnolias. Annonaceae: preliminary evaluationof its genetic diversity in Colombia, using microsatellite molecular markers. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 26(2), 37–51.


Sandra Bibiana Aguilar M
Universidad de Caldas
Perfil Google Scholar
José Fernando Kogson Q.
Universidad de Caldas
Perfil Google Scholar
Carlos Felipe Barrera Sánchez
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
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The cultivation of Annona muricata in Colombia registers an annual production of 55.740 tons/year. Its main uses are as fresh fruit and to obtain by-products for medicinal use. To understand the distribution of genetic variation in populations can have important implications for conservation studies and cultivars management. The current situation of the genetic diversity of A. muricata in a region of Colombia is visualized in a preliminary way in this study. Objectives: to know the genetic diversity of A. muricata in Colombia, and to identify base cultivars for the preliminary establishment of a genetic improvement program. Scope: A total of 30 alleles were recorded with an average of 1.84 alleles per locus. The PIC (0.875) was considered to have a high informative power. The AMOVA analysis allowed a differentiation of the genetic variability among populations of 15% and of 74%. between individuals- The population revealed heterozygous deficiency (Ho= 0.449 and He= 0.342). A hundred per cent of polymorphic Loci was obtained for the municipality of Palestina. The clustering allowed the formation of three main groups, that share approximately 57% of their genome. Methodology: A total of 102 A. muricata materials collected in the departments of Caldas and Risaralda were evaluated using 16 SSR molecular markers. Statistical analyses and the clustering were carried out using the GenAlEx6 and NTSYS 2.02i software. Conclusions: discrimination of the 106 A. muricata materials with SSR markers revealed deficiency of heterozygotes. However, the preliminary identification of promising cultivars based on the individual selection of materials carrying allelic richness was possible as well as those materials that reported a lower similarity in the clusters. The information generated from this research
could be the input for the beginning of the establishment of a genetic improvement program for the species in Colombia.

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