How to Cite
Sánchez, F. (2000). (Mammals inventory In an andean forest from Caldas department, Colombia). Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 4, 17–25. Retrieved from


Francisco Sánchez
Universidad Nacional de Colombia


From October 1998 to January - April 1999 an inventory of the mermals of an Andean forest located at Caldas department, was performed. Eight techniques were used in order to detect the presence of small mammals, bats, and large mammals. Five small mammals, seven bats, and 25 large mammals conformed the species list. The inventory of small mammals and bats is not yet complete. The non-observational techniques allowed to register a bigger number of large mammals than did observational techniques. At least three large mammal species have disappeared from studied region due to human influence lt is urgent to develop protection and monitoring plans if long-term conservation of the mammals of the studied region is desired.

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