How to Cite
Arango, L. (2004). -. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 8, 317–328. Retrieved from


Liliana Arango
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


It was carried out a sampling of butterflies in the Botanical Garden of Pueblo Rico and in the Karagabi Nature Reserve near Pueblo Rico, Risaralda with the objective to identify the mimic species of butterflies which you can find in both areas, capturing with net entomologic the butterílies that show similarity in coloration to any or several other species because they share similar patterns of coloration. There was a total of 26 species of mimic butterflies contained in three cases of Batesian mimicry, one of Müllerian mimicry and three mimicry rings. The obtained results allowed to conclude that the butterflies with aspects of mimicry do not only imitate others in the coloration but also in behaviour and the mimicry in butterflies should be studied in field visiting the observation areas in different times of the year.

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