How to Cite
Palacios G., M., & Constantino, L. M. (2006). Leidoptera Rhopalocera diversity in an altitudinal gradient in the El Pangan natural reserve, Nariño, Colombia. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 10, 258–278. Retrieved from


Mariela Palacios G.
Fundación Universitaria de Popayán
Luís Miguel Constantino
CENICAFÉ, Chinchiná


Within the El Pangan Natural Reserve, Nariño, a study on the composition and structure of diurnal butterflies was carried out between the months of December 2004 to May 2005 at an altitudinal range of three different altitudes (700, 1100, 1500 msnm). The data of the first two altitudes were statistically processed and compared with one another. A total of 402 individuals contained in 94 species, represented by 6 families, 18 subfamilies and 67 genera were registered, among these 28 species classified as endemic of the Biogeographical Chocó Region (Colombian Pacific Coast), 19 classified as rare or very rare and 67 common species. The captures were carried out using Van Someren - Rydon traps and entomological nets, being the last method more effective. The traps were baited with rotten fish and fermented bananas, being the fish the bait that was able to effectively attract more butterflies. The Penélope station (700 masl) presented the largest diversity and richness with a total of 67 species and 282 individuals. The richness of species and the values of abundance can be due to the variation according to the floristic structure and composition in the two altitudes. The similarity between the study stations was very low (35%); using the Bray Curtis similarity percentage index, being proven that significant differences exist, regarding the composition and structure of diurnal butterflies in the two study altitudes. The influence of climatic variables (relative humidity and temperature) was not statistically significant in relation to the structure and  composition of the community of Lepidoptera Rhopalocera, according to the spearman correlation analysis.

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