How to Cite
Ríos Málaver, C. (2007). Richness of butterfly species (Hesperioidea & Papilionoidea) in el Aguila stream located in the cordillera central (Manizales - Colombia). Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 11, 272–291. Retrieved from


Cristóbal Ríos Málaver
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


A study on the local richness of diurnal butterflies was carried out at the “El Aguila” stream northwest of Manizales (Caldas), based on the data from 53 field trips taken between April 2004 and April 2007. The species were collected with entomologic nets and Van Someren-Rydon traps, along trails in the interior of the forest and along the spring. To estimate the species richness, accumulation curves of the species where made using the EstimateS 7.0 program. During the collection of samples a total of 251 species and 105 subspecies distributed over 171 genera were registered, represented mainly by the Nymphalidae and Hesperiidae families. The richness of diurnal butterflies in this area sums up to 258 species including within the taxonomic list 7 species stored in local collections. The richness estimators used indicate that close to 96% of the species in the area were registered, including some rare species and/or species that indicate a good conservation state such as: Pereute callinice, Evenus coronata, Eutresis hypereria antioquensis and Mesotaenia vaninka ssp among others. Also within the registered species, was the Epiphile epicaste female, considered as being very rare. In the same manner abundant populations of species indictors of the healthy state of the area were observed like: Consul panariste, Antirrhea geryon and common species like Heliconius cydno cydnides and Ithomia iphianassa and 16 endemic species from the Cauca River region. The great amount of species that inhabit this area show the importance of the Andean streams as a refuge for rare species of butterflies and other groups of regional fauna and flora.

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