How to Cite
Salazar E., J. A. (2007). Rhopalocera catalog of Natural History Museum, Centro de Museos - Universidad de Caldas (MHN-UC), and from J. Salazar’s collection (cjs). Nymphaloidea.: part I with taxonomic notes. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 11, 206–259. Retrieved from


Julián A. Salazar E.
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


The present work intends to contribute to the dried material of butterflies deposited in the biological collections of the Centro de Museos (N.H.), Universidad de Caldas and Julián Salazar’s collection (CJS). It contains some of the groups that belong to the superfamily Nymphaloidea, with related information on its history and with taxonomic notes on their composition and distribution.

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