How to Cite
Betancur Agudelo, M., Calderón H., M., Betancourt G., . Óscar, & Sucerquia Gallego, Ángela. (2007). Fungi Macromycetes in two relicts of low tropical humid mountainous forest in the municipal rural settlement of la Cuchilla, Marmato, Caldas. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 11, 19–31. Retrieved from


Marcelo Betancur Agudelo
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Manuela Calderón H.
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Óscar Betancourt G.
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Ángela Sucerquia Gallego
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


The present work is part of the Seventh Marathon of taxonomic sampling carried out by the Botanical Garden at Universidad de Caldas from December 8th to 11th 2006, in 2 woody relicts pertaining to a life zone of low tropical humid mountainous forest of the municipal rural settlement “La Cuchilla” of Marmato, Caldas, located 2,100 m.a.s.l. The worked collections were deposited in the fungus library of the Botanical Garden of the Universidad de Caldas (JBUC). For taxonomic effects, carpophores of macromycete fungi were collected during four days in 2 relicts. From the macroscospic and microscopic analyses of the fungi, the cap, hymenphore, stalk, spore deposits, spore dimensions and substrate type characteristics were determined. Altogether, 72 collections were reviewed, of which 5 species belong to the Ascomycota class, distributed in 4 genera, 3 families and 2 orders; the other 67 species are distributed in 16 orders, 26 families and 51 genera of the Basidiomycota class. The Tricholomataceae, Lycoperdaceae, Coriolaceae and Agaricaceae families presented greater amounts of genera. Of these the most common are: Auricularia, Collybia, Coprinus, Coriolus, Gymnopus, Lepiota, Lycoperdon, Marasmius, Mycena, Oudemansiella, Ramaria and Xylaria.

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