How to Cite
Salazar Salazar, A. (2009). Intra and interspecific aggressiveness in Crematogaster longispina Emery, 1890 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 13(1), 102–113. Retrieved from


Adrián Salazar Salazar
Universidad de Caldas. Universidad Nacional de Colombia


This study examines the relation between the intraspecific aggressiveness level of the polygynous ant Crematogaster longispina, and the distance separating white yarumo trees (Cecropia telealba), this species’ habitat. In addition, it investigates whether the degree of interspecific hostility between C. longispina and Myrmelachista sp. has differences. The aggressiveness level was measured through the observation of encounters between worker ants, graded according to an aggressiveness scale. There were differences in the intraspecific aggression degree, but not in the interspecific one. No correlation was found between the intraspecific aggression level and the distance between trees. The measurement of other variables that could better explain the differences in intraspecific aggression levels is suggested. The variation in the intraspecific hostility can be better understood if studies on the genetic structure of colonies are conducted.

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