How to Cite
Londoño Betancourth, J. C. (2009). Cultural valuation of the uses and importance of the wildlife in captivity in three districts of Pereira (Risaralda). Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 13(1), 33–46. Retrieved from


Juan Carlos Londoño Betancourth
Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira


Cultural valuation looks to identify the perception of the educational community about the uses and importance attributed to the wildlife in captivity in three districts of Pereira. It was observed, through perceptive reactions, that the communities recognized all the related fauna species in the potential listing of the wild fauna species subject to uses by humans. At least one use was attributed to all the identified species; most species were familiar to the community. The results showed that 7 mammal, 6 bird, 8 reptile, and an amphibian species are the most important, since they have the seven categories of uses proposed in the research’s methodology, the Local Use Value Index (LUVI), defined as the sum of all the types of use for a species. With the Pebble Distribution Method (M.D.P.) the most important uses given to the wildlife were identified; for mammals being nutritious and commercial uses; for birds being commercial, ornamental and nutritious uses; and for reptiles being commercial and ornamental uses.

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