How to Cite
Bedoya P., J. G., Bernal V., M. E., & Castaño R., Élmer. (2009). Description of ecological relations of Brugmansia aurea with plants, insects and fungus in Manizales and Villamaría, Colombia, South America. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 13(2), 26–39. Retrieved from


Juan Guillermo Bedoya P.
María Elena Bernal V.
Élmer Castaño R.
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


Ecological relations of Brugmansia aurea (Solanaceae) are described in three points and different altitudes above sea level of Manizales and Villamaría, Colombia, South America. An inventory of surrounding flora, insects in the aerial part of the trees, and fungi was carried out by evaluating injuries resulting in leaves, flowers, and fruits. 79 plant species were registered in the three sites, finding aboriginal plants in early sequential states. 44 species of insects were identified, 48% being herbivorous. The presence of fungi was not observed in the material evaluated. It is unclear whether the influence that the Brugmansia aurea trees exerted on accompanying flora are due to allelopathic effects or simple competition for environmental resources. In insects there is a noticeable relationship as a direct food source, occasionally very close in the case of Epitrix sp. Some insects found are reported as pests in cultivated species. The absence of fungi shows a potential use as a source of antifungal activity molecules.

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