How to Cite
Castaño, J. H., & Corrales, J. D. (2010). Mammals of the La Miel river basin (Caldas): Diversity and cultural use. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 14(1), 56–75. Retrieved from


John Harold Castaño
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Juan David Corrales
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


This study examined the alpha and beta diversity of mammals recorded in three areas (high: 2600-3000 m, middle: 700-1200 m, and low: 400-420 m) in the La Miel River basin which is located on the eastern slope of the Cordillera Central of the Andes Mountains in the Caldas Department in Colombia. 77 species, 10 orders and 27 families were recorded. The bats were the most representative order with 45% of the species, followed by rodents (21%) and carnivores (14%). The high zone presented a lower species richness (18 spp.) than the middle zone (48 spp.) and the low zone (45 spp.). However, the upper zone had the highest proportion of exclusive species (89%), while the middle and lower zones shared less than 50% of species, which indicates high beta diversity due to species changes between altitudinal levels. Nine new mammals were recorded in Caldas; two of which are new records for the northern Andes: C. centralis and N. leporinus. 20 medium sized mammal species are used by farmers as food, medicine or ornament. The Silvery-brown Tamarin (Saguinus leucopus) is endangered and four species are vulnerable to extinction. This research demonstrates the scarcity of information on mammals in the North Andes.

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Anoura caudifer: MHNUC 937; Anoura geoffroyi: MHNUC 920, 921; Artibeus glaucus: MHNUC 730, 735, 742; Artibeus phaeotis: MHNUC 740, 743, 924, 925; Centronycteris centralis: MHNUC 731[CASTAÑO & CORRALES (2007) refieren el ejemplar con el número MHNUC 0441 debido a un error de catalogación]; Desmodus rotundus: MHNUC 733, 939; Eptesicus andinus: MHNUC 914; Glossophaga soricina: MHNUC 938; Handleyomys alfaroi: MHNUC 738; Lampronycteris brachyotis: MHNUC 940; Lasiurus blossevillii: MHNUC 918; Lonchophylla robusta: MHNUC 934; Lonchorhina aurita: MHNUC 752, 928, 932; Lophostoma silvicolum: MHNUC 745; Melanomys caliginosus: MHNUC 758, 767, 768; Mesophylla macconnelli: MHNUC 946; Micronycteris minuta: MHNUC 742, 941; Monodelphis adusta: MHNUC 805; Microryzomys altissimus: MHNUC 760, 773-775; Myotis riparius: MHNUC 732, 739, 748, 922, 929, 933, 936, 943-945; Myotis oxyotus: MHNUC 912, 913, 916; Nephelomys albigularis: MHNUC 762, 764, 771, 772; Noctilio albiventris: MHNUC 749; Noctilio leporinus: MHNUC 425; Platyrrhinus helleri: MHNUC 746, 747, 923; Proechimys chrysaeolus: MHNUC 744, 754; Sturnira bidens: MHNUC 915; Sturnira erythromos: MHNUC 917, 919; Thomasomys aureus: MHNUC 761, 763, 766; Thomasomys cinereiventer: MHNUC 769, 770; Tonatia saurophila: MHNUC 751, 745; Trinycteris nicefori: MHNUC 931, 935; Uroderma bilobatum: MHNUC 930; Vampyressa thyone: MHNUC 734, 737, 926, 927; Zygodontomys brevicauda: MHNUC 753.
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