How to Cite
Posada R., W. A., & Parra S., L. N. (2010). Microscopy of pedocomponents at an archaeological site in western Antioquia. Emphasis in archaeobotany and paleoecology . Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 14(1), 17–40. Retrieved from


William Andrés Posada R.
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Luis Norberto Parra S.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín


This article presents the results of a microscopic analysis of soil components in an archaeological context, in order to obtain several lines of evidence for understanding of the relationships between human populations and their natural environment. After the paleoecological reconstruction, it was concluded that in these contexts there are multiple indicators of vegetation, climate and human activity conditions, different from the traditional palynological markers, including ligninolitic tissues, fungi and phytoliths. All these results were consistent with the conversion process of forest in the area. They also present new horizons for research in plant ecology and ethnobotany.

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