How to Cite
Villalobos M., A., Agudelo M., J. C., & Arrieta P., D. M. (2010). Histology of Apis mellifera Linnaeus , 1758 (hymenoptera) as an entomological contribution. Part I: Body regions, anatomical organization and integument . Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 14(2), 201–214. Retrieved from


Alfonso Villalobos M.
Grupo de Investigaciones Entomológicas y Ambientales –GENA–. UIS
Juan Carlos Agudelo M.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Dagoberto Manuel Arrieta P.
Universidad Industrial de Santander


Histological cuts were made in transverse, vertical and sagittal planes, using bees’ heads and prothorax with the purpose of contribute with teaching material to the subject: Professional Elective I – Advanced Entomology. The prints were selected because of their quality and the best ones were chosen to be digitally photographed. Structures and important details were pointed out which made possible the making of this document.

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