How to Cite
Bolaños R., G. Y., Feuillet H., C., Chito C., E., Muñoz E., E. L., & Ramírez Padilla, B. R. (2010). Vegetation, structure and composition of a forested area in the “Álvaro José Negret” botanical garden, La Rejoya district, Popayán (Cauca, Colombia). Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 14(2), 19–38. Retrieved from


Gethsy Yohana Bolaños R.
Universidad del Cauca
Carolina Feuillet H.
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Edith Chito C.
Universidad del Cauca
Eduard L. Muñoz E.
Fundación Allpamanta, Popayán
Bernardo Ramiro Ramírez Padilla
Herbario Universidad del Cauca


A preliminary inventory of vascular plants and the floristic-structural characterization of a secondary vegetation wooded residual with native and foreign species located in the “Álvaro José Negret” Botanical Garden, La Rejoya District, Municipality of Popayan (Cauca, Colombia) is presented. The floristic inventory was made through free collection carried out inside and in the forest outskirts. A total of 182 species, 144 genera and 74 families were registered. 30 species, 20 genera and 15 families were present in Lycophyta and Monilophyta; Polypodiaceae and Blechnaceae (4 species) were the richest families as far as number of species. 152 species, 124 genera, and 59 families were found in Magnoliophyta from which Asteraceae (16 species and 15 genera) and Orchidaceae (13 species and 11 genera) were the most diversified families. All individuals with DAP ≥ 2.54 cm in 10 50 x 10 m bands were sampled to determine the structure and 856 individuals of vascular plants belonging to 29 species, 26 genera, and 19 families were found. The forest presented 3 stratums: herbaceous, shrubby, and arboreal. The shrubby stratum was dominant with a high number of species; the arboreal stratum was constituted by a few species. Alchornea latifolia was the species with the highest importance value index, being the second place for Syzygium jambos.

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