Entomopathogenic nematodes are compulsory parasites of soil-dwelling insects. They have great potential as biological control organisms due to their wide range of economically important pest hosts. In this study, the presence of native nematodes was determined in soils from the Tesorito farm of Universdad de Caldas, Colombia, using the insect trap technique with Galleria mellonella larvae. The mortality caused by nematodes on Premnotrypes vorax larvae was evaluated. Isolates belonging to the genus Steinernema were found, the most virulent ones on G. mellonella were selected and inoculated on last instar larvae of P. vorax, showing mortalities between 33.3% and 91.7%, 72 hours after infestation. The high mortality rate of P. vorax showed that these organisms could be used as an important component of integrated management of P. vorax in potato crops.
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