How to Cite
Ramírez Chaves, H. E., Ortega Rincón, M., Pérez, W. A., & Marín, D. (2011). History of exotic mammal species in Colombia. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 15(2), 139–156. Retrieved from


Héctor E. Ramírez Chaves
University of Munich, Alemania y University of Groningen, Holanda
Marcela Ortega Rincón
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá
Weimar A. Pérez
Fundación Universitaria San Martín - Sede Cali
David Marín
Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín


An annotated list and historic information of the presence of exotic mammals in Colombia is given. The information was obtained from literature references and observations in different areas of the country. A total of 62 exotic mammal species are presently found in the country, and they are used with different purposes, among which nourishing and ornamental uses are highlighted. From the 62 species, 16 are established in the country and most of them are used for economical activities or as pets, and six are listed among the 100 most invasive species of the world because of the negative impact they have on biodiversity or on humans' economical activities. In Colombia there were two arrival periods of exotic mammal species: the pre-Hispanic period and the colonial period. The last one with the highest impact because 13 out of the 16 established species were introduced in the country. We highlight the importance to develop research projects related with the effects of the introduction of mammals to the country, management and control of the invasive exotic species in Colombia.

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