How to Cite
Ríos S., C., Puerta P., L., & Sierra E., J. (2011). Population density of Ranitomeya opisthomelas asociated to environmental and habitat variables in four forest in the central andes, Colombia. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 15(2), 121–129. Retrieved from


Catalina Ríos S.
Universidad Católica de Oriente
Leidy Puerta P.
Universidad Católica de Oriente
Jorge Sierra E.
Universidad Católica de Oriente


This study determined the association between the population density of Ranitomeya opisthomelas with the environmental and habitat variables in four forests. Four samples per site were carried out in dry and rainy seasons. The number of individuals, and the environmental and habitat variables (environemntal temperature, canopy coverage percentage, amount of bromeliads,, the herbaceous percentage, amount of fallen logs, ampunt of trees with CHD>10 and environmental humidity in each forest) were registered. Data were statistically processed with logistics regression and canonical correspondence analysis. Results indicated that R. opisthomelas population density was very variable; Isla del Sol showed the greatest number of individuals followed by El Carmen, Isla Cantarina and Guatapé respectively Population density in the rainy season was different from that in the dry season in Guatapé and Isla Cantarina,. Finally, the canonical correspondence analysis shows that apparently there is no association between density of frogs and types of forest.

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