How to Cite
Marín Gómez, O. H., García C., R., Gómez M., W. F., & Pinzón L., W. (2011). Butterfly diversity and relationship with Inga ornata Kunth (mimosoidae) reproductive phenology in a forest shepherding agroecosystem of Quindío, Colombia. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 15(2), 105–118. Retrieved from


Oscar Humberto Marín Gómez
Universidad del Quindío
Rocío García C.
Universidad del Quindío
Walter Fabio Gómez M.
Universidad del Quindío
Wilson Pinzón L.
Universidad del Quindío


The diversity of diurnal butterflies and their relationship with the guamo, Inga ornata, reproductive phenology in a forest shepherding agroecosystem in Quindío, Colombia was studied. Monthly samples of two transects of 50 x 2 m were carried out using entomological nets, traps baited with decomposed fruit and direct observations of l. ornate visiting butterflies were performed. The number of l. ornate flowers and fruits available in these transects was also counted monthly. A total of 142 butterfly species was recorded, 116 in pastures and 59 associated with I. ornata trees. A higer representation of the nectar feeding guild was found in the area of study. The richness, abundance and diversity of butterflies showed a tendency to increase during the months with higher availability of flowers and fruits, but there was not a significant correlation between these variables. The results of this study highlight the importance of I. ornata as a food resource for adult butterflies, especially for nectar feeding guild.

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