How to Cite
Soto G., A., Venzon, M., & Pallini, A. (2012). Lethal and subletal effects of alternatives against Tetranychus evansi (acari: tetranychidae). Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 16(1), 120–131. Retrieved from


Alberto Soto G.
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Madelaine Venzon
Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais, Viçosa
Angelo Pallini
Universidade Federal de Viçosa


The phytophagous mite Tetranychus evansi is characterized by its high reproductive, capacity which allows for its ability to attain high populations in a short time and cause economic damage. The objective of this study was to evaluate commercial products based on Azadirachtina and syrup sulfocálcico to control T. evansi in greenhouses. Lethal toxicity and sublethal effects on population growth (ri) of T. evansi products Neem Pro (0.08 and 0.07 mg/L of Azadirachtina), Natuneem (1.4 and 0.89 mg ai/L), Organic Neem (0.37 and 0.28 mg ai/L) and lime sulphur (1.0 and 0.6% to 31.5 ºBé) were initially studied in the laboratory. Lethal toxicity and sublethal effects on population growth (ri) of T. evansi products Neem Pro (0.08 and 0.07 mg/L of Azadirachtina), Natuneem (1.4 and 0.89 mg ai/L), Organic Neem (0.37 and 0.28 mg ai/L) and lime sulphur (1.0 and 0.6% to 31.5 0Bé) were initially studied in the laboratory. Later in a greenhouse, the control potential for concentrations corresponding to the LC95 of the products was evaluated and those where population growth was stable (ri =0). Experimental design, was completely randomized, with three replicates. Application of the products resulted in the improved efficiency of control over time, and this efficiency increased with the duration of exposure. The reduction percentage of phytophagous mite population was over 98%, after ten days of application. The management of T. evansi on tomatoes could be made possible by the use of products based on Azadirachtina and syrup sulfocálcico.

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