How to Cite
López H., L. G., Ramírez H., Y. A., & Zamora S., Y. D. (2012). Evaluation of floristic diversity in four buffer zone forests in the National Natural Park Los Nevados. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 16(1), 41–59. Retrieved from


Luis Gabriel López H.
Universidad del Tolima
Yenny Alexandra Ramírez H.
Universidad del Tolima
Yury Dellanid Zamora S.
Universidad del Tolima


Four 1 hectare permanent monitoring units were established in forests of each of the departments with jurisdiction in the buffer zone of Los Nevados National Park, carrying out 4 measurements over a period between 1999 and 2010. For the assessment of diversity within each of the 4 ecosystems used, three groups of measures were performed corresponding to: the rates of species richness, relative abundance rates of species and abundance rates of species with which the alpha diversity was determined. Similarly, the beta diversity between each of the sampling sites was tested, using for this purpose the similarity and dissimilarity measures proposed by (Halffter(1992) and (Magurran(1988), finding that there is a high rarity of species in the buffer zone of Los Nevados National Park forests, especially in the Regional Park Ucumarí (Risaralda). Based on the aforementioned, it was determined that each of the ecosystems evaluated: Ucumarí Regional Park, Protected Natural Area La Montaña (Quindio) Tower 4 (Caldas) and El Palmar (Tolima), show high heterogeneity in alpha diversity. On the other hand, similarity relations are quite low between ecosystems evaluated, demonstrating a high beta diversity and little connectivity present in the park buffer zone, derived from geomorphological and anthropogenic factors. However, each area independently contributes to the conservation of ecosystems within and outside Los Nevados National Park, so it is advisable to preserve this mosaic of habitats.

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