How to Cite
Rodríguez G., J., Montoya Lerma, J., & Calle D., Z. (2013). First record of Attaphila fungicola (blattaria: polyphagidae) in Atta cephalotes nests (hymenoptera: myrmicinae) in Colombia. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 17(1), 219–225. Retrieved from


Jonathan Rodríguez G.
Universidad del Valle
James Montoya Lerma
Universidad del Valle
Zoraida Calle D.
Fundación CIPAV – Centro para la Investigación en Sistemas Sostenibles de Producción Agropecuaria


We report the discovery of individuals of the cockroach Attaphila fungicola within nests of the leaf-cutting ant, Atta cephalotes, for the first time in Colombia. The study was conducted in 35 nests excavated in the rural area of Santiago de Cali, Valle del Cauca. A total of 15 individuals, 10 females and 5 males, were found in the chambers where the symbiotic fungus, Leucoagaricus gongylophorus, is grown. This first report extends the known geographical distribution of this species, which included only the United States and Trinidad & Tobago. These cockroaches probably reach the ant nests searching for a suitable microclimate for breeding, feeding or both.

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