How to Cite
Yusti Muñoz, A. P., & Velandia Perilla, J. H. (2013). Primer registro del lirio amazónico Eucharis sanderi (Amarillidaceae) para la Isla Gorgona, Colombia. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 17(1), 46–49. Retrieved from


Ana Paola Yusti Muñoz
Universidad del Valle
Jorge H. Velandia Perilla
Universidad del Valle


The amazon lily Eucharis sanderi is a rare species endemic to western Colombia, with few locality records known. We documented the occurrence of the species for the first time on Isla Gorgona, near the Pacific coast of Colombia, based on a specimen collected in May, 2011. Isla Gorgona is an important protected area for the conservation of threatened species such as E. sanderi. We recommend that research be conducted to determine the conservation status of the population of this species on the island.

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PRAHL, H. VON & ALBERICO, M., 1986. Isla de Gorgona. Biblioteca textos universitarios, Banco Popular, Bogotá, Colombia. 252p.

SILVERSTONE-SOPKIN, P.A., 2011. Los muertos vivientes: la historia natural de cuatro lirios amazónicos del suroccidente de Colombia. Programa Editorial, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia. 100p.
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