How to Cite
De Ayala Monedero, R. M., & Álvarez León, R. (2014). Registro de un caso de albinismo incompleto en la iguana verde (Iguana iguana iguana) (squamata: iguanidae) en el Caribe Colombiano. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 18(1), 158–162. Retrieved from


Rosa Mary De Ayala Monedero
Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Almería
Ricardo Álvarez León
Fundación Verdes Horizontes. Manizales


Objectives: To complement the fauna associated with mangrove estands inventory in the Colombian Caribbean. Scope: Qualitative and quantitative inventory of specimens observed. Methodology: Direct observation,specific annotations and photographs of specimens. Main results: For the first time a copy of the green iguana (I. i. Iguana) with partial leucismo associated with mangro vestands (bobo or conchudo, Laguncularia racemosa and piñuelo or zaragoza, Conocarpus erecta) from the Colombian Caribbean coast is recorded. Conclusions: Despite therelative intensityof sampling and observations about iguanas, this finding represents an important advance in the knowledge of the family Iguanidae and, genera Iguana in Colombia.

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