How to Cite
Jiménez Pérez, P., Toro Restrepo, B., & Hernández Atilano, E. (2014). Relationship between phytoperiphyton community and different sources of pollution in an andean colombian creek. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 18(1), 49–66. Retrieved from


Patricia Jiménez Pérez
Beatriz Toro Restrepo
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Esnedy Hernández Atilano
Universidad de Antioquia


The spatial and temporal variation of the periphytic algal community and its relation to the different types of natural and anthropogenic pollution along the ToldaFría-La María creek was evaluated. Four samplings were conducted during the rainy season, lesser rain season, and dry-rain transition period, infive stations: Bocatoma (E1), Ganadería (E2) and Caserío Gallinazo (E5) which have human impact, and Romerales (E3) and Termales (E4) which have natural impact. It was found that the relationship between periphytic algae community and physicochemical gradient varied spatially in the creek showing noticeable changes in composition, relative abundance, diversity and density of morphospecies where stations E4 and E5 (the most contaminated) showed more dominance and less density of morphospecies. These variations were explained in a 69% because of physicochemical variables such as heavy metals, nutrients, ions and hydrological variables being minerals in hot springs the ones producing a greater impact in the studied area which was evidenced in conductivity. Besides, richness, diversity and composition of periphytic algae in conjunction with the results of the physicochemical properties establish that the quality of water in the Tolda Fría-La María creek was better in stations E1, E2 and E3.

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