How to Cite
Rojas Morales, J. A., Escobar Lasso, S., & Gutiérrez Cárdenas, P. D. A. (2011). Contribution to the knowledge of amphibians of the south-central region of Caldas: first records of glass frogs (anura: centrolenidae ) in the municipality of Manizales, Colombia. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 15(1), 75–83. Retrieved from


Julián Andrés Rojas Morales
Universidad de Caldas. Fundación R.A.N.A. (Restauración de Ambientes Neotropicales Alterados), Manizales
Sergio Escobar Lasso
Universidad de Caldas. Fundación R.A.N.A. (Restauración de Ambientes Neotropicales Alterados), Manizales
Paul David A. Gutiérrez Cárdenas
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


Colombia is the country with the largest richness in species of glass frogs, but there are gaps in the knowledge of many species distribution.  In this article for the first time we report the first records of Centrolene quindianum, Centrolene savagei, Nymphargus grandisonae and Nymphargus spilotus in the municipality of Manizales, Caldas, Colombia, based on specimens collected in the northeastern region of this municipality, on the western flank of the Colombian Cordillera Central. The report of C. quindianum  represents the first record for the department of Caldas, filling a distributional hiatus between its nearest locations.

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