The variation of the composition and spatial distribution of mantids was analyzed in six Dry Tropical Forest fragments from the Department of Atlántico. Five samplings were performed per area from January 2012 to June 2013 with a total of 30 sampling. A 600 m long and 30m wide line transects was designed in each fragment where ten distanced points distanced 50m from each other were marked. Mantids capture was done using hitting (agitation of bushes), manual gathering in a range of 20m per point and two light traps (one white and one purple) 200 m spaced between 6:00 pm to 12:00 pm. One hundred seventy-nine (179) specimens were collected represented in 5 families, 10 subfamilies and 13 genera. The most diverse family with 6 species was Mantidae while the most common genera were Mantoida, Musonia, Stagmatoptera, Liturgusa, and Thespis. The "Reserva Campesina la Montaña" stands out as the DtF area with the highest number of families (5), genres (10) and species (11). This can be attributed to the fact that this is one of the greater extension and in good condition of conservation forest fragments from Atlántico. With this result, it is possible to expand the list to 125 Colombian mantid species, and also it was found that 12,29% of species, 24,52% of the genera, 66,66% of the subfamilies and 83,33% of the families reported for Colombia are represented the Department of Atlántico which indicates that the relict of dry tropical forest in this department maintain an important fauna of the mantis species recorded in the country.
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